Hope in the Home Conference

Spring 2024 Raising Arrows Conference

Dr. Jim Orrick

Dr. Orrick is the pastor of Bullitt Lick Baptist Church in Shepherdsville, Kentucky. Over the past 40 years, Dr. Orrick has served the Lord in many capacities as an author, professor, poet, musician, speaker, and Pastor. He is a husband and father of six girls. Dr. Orrick is also an outdoorsman who thoroughly enjoys spending time hunting and exploring God's creation.

Teaching Link: https://tinyurl.com/2t46yhzb 

Fall 2023 Theology and the State Conference

Brett Baggett

Brett Baggett lives in Muskogee, OK with his wife and 5 children. Brett is a third generation pastor and shepherding the Ekklesia Church of Muskogee. Brett has been a leading voice in his community and beyond, speaking on topics such as the abolition of abortion, public evangelism, Puritan theology, family worship, the role of Christians in government, and much more. He is an extensive writer and has been a guest on several biblical podcasts in recent years.

Link: https://ekklesiamuskogee.church/author/brett/ 

Spring 2023 The Productive Home Conference

Rory Groves

Rory Groves is author of Durable Trades: Family-Centered Economies That Have Stood the Test of Time and director of Gather & Grow, a non-profit ministry dedicated to rebuilding the family economy. He resides in southern Minnesota with his wife Becca and five children. 

Link: https://www.thegrovestead.com/ 

Link: https://gatherandgrow.us/ 

Fall 2022 Family Worship Conference

Josh Niemi

Josh Niemi is the founder of Expository Parenting Ministries and the author of the books Expository Parenting and Greater Than Aaron: The Supremacy of Christ’s Limited Atonement. Josh currently spends his time teaching children's Sunday school and discipling other men, in addition to raising his three children, Carter, Lucia, and Knox, alongside his wife Jill.

Link: https://www.expositoryparenting.org/ 

Link: https://www.facebook.com/josh.niemi.5 

Israel Wayne

Israel Wayne is an author and conference speaker who has a passion for defending the Christian faith and promoting a Biblical worldview. Since 1995, Israel has traveled the nation speaking on family, homeschooling, revival, discipleship, and cultural issues. Israel has been featured as the keynote speaker at numerous conferences, some with over 5,000 in attendance.

Link: https://familyrenewal.org/ 

Link: https://www.facebook.com/israel.wayne